Digital Registers

Sun Automation Group Logo

SUN Automation Group® has become the industry authority for feeding, printing, and converting technologies and one of the most respected equipment and development companies serving a massive global industry. Goettsch is proud to supply the Sun Automation Group’s line of products to the International Market*.

The Goettsch team is fully trained to help you find the right equipment solution for your application and facility, create efficiencies and provide on-going parts and service support.

Digital Harmonic Registers

Sun Automaton Group Digital Harmonic Registers Sun Automation Group Digital Register  Learn more about Digital Harmonic Registers in the Sun Automation brochure.

Sun’s Digital Harmonic Register replaces the register devices on your press, including the main gear and journal. It offers extremely accurate adjustment, essentially zero backlash and is maintenance free for many years. Provided with touch screen interface.

The harmonic register is controlled by a servomotor that adjusts the register and can set the register position repeatable to .001” (.0254mm), with no backlash or lost motion. The extreme adjustment accuracy allows the operator to get the job in register with one test sheet!

  • Shorten set-up times
  • Reduce waste
  • Better registration
  • Less maintenance

Digital Harmonic Registers are engineered to be compatible with many OEM machine manufacturers and models.

* Available to specific countries; please consult with Goettsch International for availability. Request A Quote

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